A Tribute or Memorial Gift is a meaningful way to acknowledge a special person, pet or event. Tribute Gifts show the honoree you care and are thinking of them. Memorial Gifts show you remember a beloved person or animal, no longer living, but who still holds a place in your heart. Both Tribute and Memorial Gifts can also be thoughtful alternatives to traditional gifts on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries, or just to make your condolences over the loss of someone’s beloved pet even more heartfelt.  No matter the occasion, your Tribute or Memorial Gift to Hearts That Purr Feline Guardians, help support our mission to save feline lives, a worthy cause sure to be appreciated by your honoree or their family.

When you make a Tribute or Memorial Gift to Hearts That Purr Feline Guardians, here is what happens:

  • We will send your honoree (or designee in the case of a Memorial Gift) an acknowledgement card announcing that you have made a donation to Hearts That Purr Feline Guardians in their name along with your special message. You will receive a separate acknowledgement of your donation for your own records, as well.

Ready to make your Tribute or Memorial Gift? Please go to our Donate page and choose this option. You will have an opportunity to include a personalized message before you complete your payment. If you have any questions about making a Tribute or Memorial Gift, feel free to contact us at 520-297-3780 or email heartsthatpurr@outlook.com